Aakasha Deepavu Neenu lyrics from Pavana Ganga Kannada movie. Aakasha Deepavu Neenu is a Kannada song from the movie Pavana Ganga released in the year 1977.
Chi. Udaya Shankar has worked on Aakasha Deepavu Neenu song lyrics and the music is composed by Rajan Nagendra.
The song is being sung by S. P. Balasubramanyam. Aakasha Deepavu Neenu video song features Shrinath and Aarathi in a lead role.
Aakasha Deepavu Neenu Lyrics in English
About the Song
- Singer(s): S. P. Balasubramanyam
- Lyricist: Chi. Udaya Shankar
- Music: Rajan Nagendra
- Star-cast: Shrinath and Aarathi
- Director(s): Y. R. Swamy
- Producer(s): C. Jayaram
- Music Label: N/A
Aakasha Deepavu Neenu Lyrics Beginning
English Version
Aakasha Deepavu Neenu
Ninna Kandaaga Santhoshavenu
Aakasha Deepavu Neenu
Ninna Kandaaga Santhoshavenu
Aa Notadalli Hithavenu
Mareyaadaaga Novenu
Aakasha Deepavu Neenu
Ninna Kandaaga Santhoshavenu
Ninna Kandaaga Santhoshavenu
Kandande Kuniyithu Manavu
Hoovaagi Aralithu Thanuvu
Kandande Kuniyithu Manavu
Hoovaagi Aralithu Thanuvu
Hrudayada Veeneyanu Hithavaagi Nudisuthali
Ananda Tumbalu Neenu Naa Nalidenu
Aakasha Deepavu Neenu
Ninna Kandaaga Santhoshavenu
Ninna Kandaaga Santhoshavenu
Anuraaga Moodida Mele
Nooraaru Bayakeya Maale
Anuraaga Moodida Mele
Nooraaru Bayakeya Maale
Hrudayavu Dhariside Ee Jeeva Solutide
Sangaathiyaadare Neenu Naa Ulidenu
Aakasha Deepavu Neenu
Ninna Kandaaga Santhoshavenu
Aa Notadalli Hithavenu
Mareyaadaaga Novenu
Aakasha Deepavu Neenu
Ninna Kandaaga Santhoshavenu
Ninna Kandaaga Santhoshavenu..
End of Lyrics!
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