Bangi Sediro lyrics from Gharga Kannada Movie. Bangi Sediro is a Kannada song from the movie Gharga. V. Nagendra Prasad has worked on Bangi Sediro song lyrics and the music is composed by Guru Kiran. The song is being sung by Vijay Prakash & Guru Kiran. Bangi Sediro video song features Dev Gill in a lead role. Ashwini Recording Company holds the record label for Bangi Sediro Kannada song.
Bangi Sediro Lyrics in English
About the Song
Singer(s): Vijay Prakash & Guru Kiran
Lyricist: V. Nagendra Prasad
Music: Guru Kiran
Star-cast: Dev Gill
Director(s): Shashidhar M
Producer(s): Ashwini Ramprasad
Music Label: Ashwini Recording Company
Bangi Sediro Lyrics Beginning
English Version
Bangi Sediro, Sanga Seriro
Bangi Sediro, Yekaangiyaagiro
Anaadhinaadha Keluthaithe
Shiva Shiva Shiva Shiva
Oh Samba Oh Samba Oh Samba
Oh Samba Oh Samba Oh Sambaa
Mruthyujayaya Samba Shivaya
Shivo Shivo Shivoham Maha Devam
Shivo Shivo Shivoham Maha Devam
Ghangadhra Kooguthane
Baaro Baaro Baaro Yenutha
Mattherida Maaya Moha
Doora Maadalu
Shiva Shiva Shiva Hara Hara Hara
Shiva Shiva Shiva Mahaadev!
Shiva Shiva Shiva Hara Hara Hara
Shiva Shiva Shiva Mahaadev!
Shambho Shiva Aaduthaane
Dheemtha Dheemtha Dheemtha Yenutha
Rangeridha Kaama Krodha
Khaali Maadalu
Aghochara Adhamyake Niranthara
Prayanisu Amoghavaada Megha Naadha
Shiva Shiva Shiva Shiva
Damm Damm Damm Dhamaru Baje
Damm Damm Damm Dhamaru Baje
Bolenaatha Bolo Sabi!
Damm Damm Damm Dhamaru Baje
Bolenaatha Bolo Sabi!
Damm Damm Damm Damm Damm Damm
Damm Damm Damm Damm
Agnimukhi Aguthaane
Neenu Haccho Chilumeyalli
Gukkeriso Gaali Haage haguravaagalu
Muktheshwara Kaanuthaane
Boodhiyaada Bahangiyalli
Innenide Neenu Shivanu Onde Aagalu
Jataadhara Maheshwara Tamandhada
Vinaashaka Himaachalesha
Klesha Naasha
Shiva Shiva Shiva Shiva
Bangi Sediro, Sanga Seriro
Bangi Sediro, Yekaangiyaagiro
Anaadhinaadha Keluthaithe
Shiva Shiva Shiva Shiva
Om Nama Shivaya!
Om Nama Shivaya!
End of Lyrics!
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