Lovve Illade Lyrics – India Vs England Songs Lyrics

Lovve Illade lyrics from India Vs England Kannada Movie. Lovve Illade is a Kannada song from the movie India Vs England. Nagathihalli Chandrashekhar has worked on Love Illade song lyrics and the music is composed by Arjun Janya. The song is being sung by Sanjith Hegde. Lovve Illade video song features Vasishta N. Simha, Manvita Kamath in a lead role. Anand Audio holds the record label for Lovve Illade Kannada song.

Lovve Illade Lyrics in English

About the Song

Singer: Sanjith Hegde
Lyricist: Nagathihalli Chandrashekhar
Music: Arjun Janya
Star-cast: Vasishta N. Simha, Manvita Kamath
Director: Nagathihalli Chandrashekhar
Producers: YN.Shankare Gowda And Friends
Music Label: Anand Audio

Lovve Illade Lyrics Beginning

English Version

Lovve Illade
Geleya Life’al Enide?
Hondhi Baalade, Bere Daari Ellide?
Daari Kaanade, Munde Guriyu Ellide?
Guriye Illade, Baduku Baridu Allave?

..Preethi Beku!
..Dwesha Beda!

..Preethi Beku!
..Dwesha Beda!

Ooooo.. England! Kandor’yaryaru?
White And Black’u Brown’u
Banna Nooraru!

Ooooo.. England! Kandor’yaryaru?
White And Black’u Brown’u
Banna Nooraru!

Preethi Illade, Geleya Badukallenide?
Hondhi Baalade, Bere Daari Ellide?

#English Rap#

Youtube’u Facebook’u
Just Olithige Use Maadu
Hey Dude! Hey Dude! Hey Dude! Dude..
Non Volience
Nam Baapu Heliddu Maribeda
Hey Dude! Hey Dude! Hey Dude!

..Preethi Beku!
..Dwesha Beda!

Ooooo.. England! Kandor’yaryaru?
White And Black’u Brown’u
Banna Nooraru!

Preethi Illade, Geleya Badukallenide?
Hondhi Baalade, Bere Daari Ellide?

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