Male Male Lyrics – Ninna Sanihake – Raghu Dixit

Male Male lyrics from Ninna Sanihake Kannada movie. Male Male is a Kannada song from the movie Ninna Sanihake, a Romantic genre directed by Suraj Gowda.

Vasuki Vaibhav has worked on Male Male song lyrics and the music is composed by Raghu Dixit.

The song is being sung by Raghu Dixit. Male Male video song features Suraj Gowda and Dhanya Ramkumar in a lead role.

Raghu Dixit Music holds the record label for Male Male Kannada song.

Male Male Lyrics in English

About the Song

  • Singer(s): Raghu Dixit
  • Lyricist: Vasuki Vaibhav
  • Music: Raghu Dixit
  • Star-cast: Suraj Gowda, Dhanya Ramkumar
  • Director(s): Suraj Gowda
  • Producer(s): Akshay Rajshekar, Ranganath Kudli
  • Music Label: Raghu Dixit Music


Male Male Lyrics Beginning

English Version

Male Male Maleyee
Preethiya Male..
Male Male Maleyee
Preethiya Male..

Hani Hani Molagali
Naviraaguva Theerake
Manadhani Bayasida
Eederisu Korike!

Male Male Maleyee
Preethiya Male..
Male Male Maleyee
Preethiya Male..

Usirali Haradide, Sundara Sankata
Hesaranu Nenadare
Jeevana Saarthaka
Kangala Himbalisu, Heluva Kanasa
Neenire Nanna Jeevake
Ellide Virasa..
Ninnaya Munisalliye Nannane Nemisu
Ninnaya Sankochake
Nannane Smarisu..

Male Male Maleyee
Preethiya Male..
Male Male Maleyee
Preethiya Male..

Koralanu Bigiyuva
Novide Nannali..
Kevala Maathali Hege Naa Thumbali
Nannaya Ee Kambani
Ninnade Koduge
Serali Usirellavu Saavina Balige
Kaaduva Kanasellavu
Bari Mooda Nambike..
Kaaduva Nenapellavu
Ekaanthada Korike..

Male Male Maleyee
Preethiya Male..
Male Male Maleyee
Preethiya Male..

Hani Hani Molagali
Naviraaguva Theerake
Manadhani Bayasida
Eederisu Korike!

Male Male Maleyee
Preethiya Male..
Male Male Maleyee
Preethiya Male..

End of Lyrics!

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