Naa Sanihake Innu lyrics from 99 Kannada movie. Naa Sanihake Innu is a 2019 emotional Kannada song which is also Arjun Janya‘s 100th movie as a music director.
Kaviraj has worked on Naa Sanihake Innu song lyrics and the music is composed by Arjun Janya.
The song is being sung by Shreya Ghoshal. Naa Sanihake Innu video song features Golden Star Ganesh and Bhavana in a lead role.
Anand Audio holds the record label for Naa Sanihake Innu Kannada song.
Naa Sanihake Innu Lyrics in English
About the Song
- Singer(s): Shreya Ghoshal
- Lyricist: Kaviraj
- Music: Arjun Janya
- Star-cast: Golden Star Ganesh and Bhavana
- Director(s): Preetham Gubbi
- Producer(s): Ramu
- Music Label: Anand Audio
Naa Sanihake Innu Lyrics Beginning
English Version
Naa Sanihake Innu Hege Barali
Ee Samayavu Illi Ninthu Bidali
Ninna Mounada Anuvada Maadalu
Naa Yaara Kelali?
Helalu Hodare.. Soluva Anjike
Helade Hodare Baalali Ethake?
Ella Gadiyannu Daati Baralenu
Naanu Nannanthe Chooru Iralenu
Manasina Moda Kattide
Surimale Suriyo Haagide
Neneyale Mellane..
Naa Seri Ninnane!
Helalu Hodare.. Soluva Anjike
Helade Hodare Baalali Ethake?
Kaiya Chaachidare Chandra Sikkuvanu
Naane Kattiruve Nanna Kaiyannu
Nadedaru Ninna Sangada
Agaluva Novu Mungada
Yethake Ee Dina..
Ishtondu Mouni Naa!
Helalu Hodare.. Soluva Anjike
Helade Hodare Baalali Ethake?
End of Lyrics!
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