Onde Aetige lyrics from Amar Kannada Movie. Onde Aetige is a Kannada song from the movie Amar. Kaviraj has worked on Onde Aetige song lyrics and the music is composed by Arjun Janya. The song is being sung by Armaan Malik, Shreya Ghoshal video song features Abishek Ambareesh, Tanyahope in a lead role. Anand Audio holds the record label for Onde Aetige Kannada song.
Onde Aetige Lyrics in English
About the Song
Singer: Armaan Malik, Shreya Ghoshal
Lyricist: Kaviraj
Music: Arjun Janya
Star-cast: Abishek Ambareesh, Tanyahope
Director: Nagshekar
Producers: Sandesh Nagaraj & N.Sandesh
Music Label: Anand Audio
Onde Aetige Lyrics Beginning
English Version
Onde Aetige Konde Bittalu
Mulaaje Iradante Nannana
Choopada Kannondu Aagaaga Chuchodu
Hrudayake Nusulondu Haayagide
Modalane Preeti Nanadu
Modalane Nota Nenedu
Modalane Huchchu Nanage Heege
Onde Aetige Konde Bittalu
Mulaaje Iradante Nannana
Ninna Hejjege Kaavalugaara
Ninna Sevege Naa Naukara
Ninna Badukige Naa Jothegaara
Irali Naan Elle, Gamana Ninnalle
Ee Ninna Beralannu Meluvagi Naa Hididu
Bhoomina Sutthoke Manasaagide
Modalane Preeti Nanadu
Modalane Nota Nenedu
Modalane Huchchu Nanage Heege
Ninna Tholali Tumbiko Nanna
Mugidu Hogali Ee Jeevana
Ninna Bechchane Appugeyalli
Arithe Naan Indu, Kushiye Neen Endu
Ondondu Male Hanige
Muthittu Nanna Baalige
Kalisodu Neen Anta Anisuttide
Modalane Preeti Nanadu
Modalane Nota Nenedu
Modalane Huchchu Nanage Heege
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