Oorondu Karedante Lyrics – Malgudi Days Songs Lyrics

Oorondu Karedante lyrics from Malgudi Days. Oorondu Karedante is a Kannada song from the movie Malgudi Days. Kishor Moodbidri has worked on Oorondu Karedante song lyrics and the music is composed by Gagan Baderiya. The song is being sung by Raghu Dixit & Vaishnavi Ravi. Oorondu Karedante video song features Vijay Raghavendra, Greeshma Shridhar, Tejaswini, Arjun Kapikad, Dhanraj CM in a lead role. PRK Audio holds the record label for Oorondu Karedante Kannada song.

Oorondu Karedante Lyrics in English

About the Song

Singer: Raghu Dixit & Vaishnavi Ravi
Lyricist: Kishor Moodbidri
Music: Gagan Baderiya
Star-cast: Vijay Raghavendra, Greeshma Shridhar, Tejaswini, Arjun Kapikad, Dhanraj CM
Director: Kishor Moodbidri
Producers: K Rathnakara Kamath
Music Label: PRK Audio

Oorondu Karedante Song Lyrics Beginning

English Version

Oorondu Karedante..
Hindenu Maretante..
Daariyu Hasanaagide..
Munjaane Rangeri!

Nasukina manjali..
Kshanagalu higgali..
Nenapina hangali..
Payanavu saagali!

Mannina parimalada gaali..
Sokuta hitavaagi!
Nenneya.. kavithegala saalu
Hommide haadaagi!

Brediro.. kathegalu
Oora mugilanu bedide
Avithiro.. malehani
Bayasalu oora premadi..

Bhoomi tabbi ninta mara
Eno helidante!
Ene bandaroonu, belitiru heege..
Kaada mouna haadagi,
Maleyaada haage
Ooradaariyu karedide!

Bhoomi tabbi ninta mara
Eno helidante!
Ene bandaroonu, belitiru heege..

Oorondu Karedante..
Hindenu Maretante..

Daariyu Hasanaagide..
Munjaane Rangeri!

Nasukina manjali..
Kshanagalu higgali..

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