Pataki Poriyo lyrics from Kotigobba 3 Kannada movie. Pataki Poriyo is a Kannada party song featuring Kichcha Sudeepa and Ashika Rangnath for the first time on screen.
Anup Bhandari (ABCD) has worked on Pataki Poriyo song lyrics and the music is composed by Arjun Janya.
The song is being sung by Vijay Prakash and Anuradha Bhat. Pataki Poriyo video song features Kichcha sudeepa, Madonna Sebastian, Shraddha Das, Aftab Shivadasani, Ravishankar, Nawab shah in a lead role.
Anand Audio holds the record label for Pataki Poriyo Kannada song.
Pataki Poriyo Lyrics in English
About the Song
- Singer(s): Vijay Prakash, Anuradha Bhat
- Lyricist: Anup Bhandari (ABCD)
- Music: Arjun Janya
- Star-cast: Kichcha sudeepa, Madonna Sebastian, Shraddha Das, Aftab Shivadasani, Ravishankar, Nawab shah
- Director(s): ShivaKarthik
- Producer(s): Soorappa Babu
- Music Label: Anand Audio
Pataki Poriyo Lyrics Beginning
English Version
Hey Hello Hello Mittiklaadi
Mittuku Thaithe Ninna Body
Touch Aagodre Baiko Bedi
Sorry.. Sorry..
Aa Lallal Lalla Desi Beedi
Ninna Andha Kannale Sedi
Marethe Hoythu
Namma Maneya Daari.. Daari..
Naanu Sikkapatte Chuttiyo
Nimma Kaige Sigada Lootiyo
Ee Nakara Bithakku
Nan Sutta Sutthakku
Pataki Poriyo!
Natti Naughty Choriyo!
Double Barrel Koviyo!
Nodi Aade Poliyo!
Hey Hello Hello Mittiklaadi
Mittuku Thaithe Ninna Body
Touch Aagodre Baiko Bedi
Sorry.. Sorry..
Hey Chandrananne Kelu
Ninna Kaala Kelage Iduve
Ninna Kick’ye Saaku Innu
Enne Soda Biduve
Oh Ho Ninge Yaake
Bilabeku Ishtu Janara Naduve
Nanna Hudikondu Neenu
Elli Thanaka Baruve?
Baruve Kanasalliyu
Ninna Manasalliyu
Oorella Urrkollo List’alle
Barkollo Story’ooo..
Pataki Poriyo!
Natti Naughty Choriyo!
Double Barrel Koviyo!
Nodi Aade Poliyo!
Chori Chori.. Hai..
Baa Chakkori.. Hai..
Beda Beda Buttige Beela-Beda
Tutige Sigabeda, Muttida Bedave
Namma Heartige Jaadsi Voddhu
Nee Avana Mele Biddu
Muddaada Bedave..
Maigey Mai Guddi Kabbadi
Aado Tapporiyo!
Pataki Poriyo!
Natti Naughty Choriyo!
Double Barrel Koviyo!
Nodi Aade Poliyo!
End of Lyrics!
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